Showing posts with label windy roads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windy roads. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Motion sickness



I'm a pathetic victim of carsickness. And I have ruined many of my journeys in buses and cars. Journey in these vehicle used to be a nightmare for me. So I travelled very few places during my life.I really want to visit new places but it is really terrible during the journey especially when you are susceptible to car sickness AKA motion sickness.Friends! I know that feeling when other people are enjoying the great scenery and having a great talk with each other in vehicle and you are in one corner feeling dizzy and about to vomit. It feels really bad.

So I'm here to say you about the causes of carsickness and the ways to avoid it. So, what is the main cause of car sickness or motion sickness? Well! It is clearly mentioned in in Wikipedia. It says that when you travel in vehicle your body is in motion. So your brain suppose that you are in motion but your eyes send the signal to your brain saying that you are in complete rest(with respect to you,your car is in rest). So your brain thinks that you are hallucinating due to some poisons .So to eject the poison, your brain induce vomiting. So you see, motion sickness is due to the dilemma of your brain. Many people have their own views for the cause of vomiting and also the remedy of vomiting. For example I used to think that the foul scent of petrol and  couch of vehicle induce vomiting. All these stuffs do make the condition worse but they are not the main cause. C'mon now, you don't feel car sickness when you are in a very foul smelling rooms, do you? 
  Now, let's talk about some preventive measures of car sickness.

1)Book the window seat and look at the far horizon so that even your eyes send the signal that you are moving.

2)Eating ginger also reduces your nausea!

3)Taking a nap is really a great way to prevent car sickness.

4)I have found that travelling at night decrease the probability of vomiting because it is cool  and you tend to sleep easily at night.

5)Medication also reduces the motion sickness considerably.But popping pills just before the journey is a bad idea.You have to take it at least half an hour before the journey. But don't go with my saying, better take the doctor's prescription.

6)Now let's talk about the preventive measure that I have discovered after experimenting and experiencing motion sickness throughout my childhood.I believe that the side to side motion of your head induces motion sickness. But up and down movement of your head doesn't induce motion sickness. If the road is very windy or there are many turns in road, your head is in side to side motion. If the road is in bad condition and there are many ups and downs in the road, your head will be in up and down movement.

So now you might have understood why car sickness is imminent in windy roads in hills. But there is a trick to avoid side-side movement. All you have to do is just lay down and sleep such that your face is facing in the direction of motion of vehicle and your one ear is pressed with your head. In this position, even if the vehicle is in side to side motion, for you your head will be in up-down motion(look at the picture given below).
If the road have many ups and downs, try sleeping with your face facing upwards . So, YOUR OVERALL GOAL IS TO ADJUST YOU IN A POSITION SUCH THAT YOUR HEAD IS NOT IN SIDE TO SIDE MOTION WITH RESPECT TO YOURSELF. With this method, I have prevented car sickness many times.
      For this method you need some space to lay down which may not be always possible. It's all up to you. But I strongly recommend you to try this technique once.
 If you have any doubt or enquiry ,feel free to email me or comment below. My email Ids are  and